
Helping Your Parents Move Into An Assisted Living Community

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Helping Your Parents Move Into An Assisted Living Community

Hello, my name is Douglas McCleary. Welcome to my website. I am here to talk to you about helping your parents get settled in an assisted living community. As my parents reached an advanced age, they were unable to safely navigate their home and care for themselves. Since they wanted to retain their independence, we compromised by selecting a full-service assisted living community. The move was difficult for them, so I had to come up with ways to help them cope. On this site, I will share these methods with you so that you can help your parents when it comes time to make this move. Thanks.



The Benefits Of Spending Time In A Recovery Center After An Illness

When you suffer a serious illness like a stroke or heart attack, you may be too weak to return home immediately after a hospital stay. You may need to regain your strength and relearn basic skills before you can go back home permanently. You also may need additional time to rest and recuperate from your illness. Your solution, then, can be to spend several days or weeks in a recovery center to grow stronger.

Recuperative Rest

Your insurance company may only pay for a few days in the hospital after surgery for a serious condition like a stroke or heart attack. After the main risk to your health has passed, the insurer may insist you get discharged from the hospital as quickly as possible. However, this quick discharge does not always mean you are rested and well enough to go home. In fact, you may need a few additional days of medical supervision and recuperative rest. 

In this event, you may spend time in a recovery center where you can rest, get specialized nursing care, and receive proper nutrition while you heal. The time you spend there can be vital to your full recovery and make you stronger and more capable of being able to return home safely.

Relearning Basic Skills

Further, your time in the recovery center can be vital to you relearning the basic skills that your heart attack, stroke, or other illness might have robbed from you. For example, if you suffered a stroke, you might have brain damage that prevents you from remembering how to button a shirt or use a fork. You may need to relearn these basic tasks before you can go home. Likewise, your heart attack might have taken the strength from you to climb up a set of stairs without help. You can relearn how to walk up a set of stairs and balance yourself so you do not fall down and get hurt. 

Finally, you may need to relearn how to speak and eat. You need to be able to communicate with others and eat without choking or spilling food. Your time in the recovery center can be spent teaching you how to master these important skills again after a serious illness.

The time you spend in a recovery center can be vital to your ability to return home safely. You can rest and recuperate to grow stronger. You can also relearn basic skills to take care of yourself again.

Contact a local recovery center to learn more.